Invitation to Bristol Social Forum
Posted By: munkeeunit
Date: 20 Apr 2008 at 23:41
This is an invitation to join the Bristol Social Forum egroup. As a subscriber you will receive an average of 2 digests of regional group emails per week, so as not to overload your inbox, as well as being able to email your events, news, or resource requests and offers to all 1,000+ subscribers.
To join our egroup please send a blank email to the address below and then wait for, and reply to, the confirmation message:
Join the Bristol Social Forum egroup and take your pick of the wide range of regional events and campaigns taking place on a regular basis. As a subscriber you are not required to adhere to a party line or political platform beyond recognising that posts should not be discriminatory on the basis of gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age or disability.
We look forward to receiving your subscription request.
Many thanks.
(A Bristol Social Forum Moderator)
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